Image by Nick J Adams via Flickr
The European union published in the official journal today, a postponement of the cessation of presumption of conformity for EN55022:1998 with amendments A1 and A2.
The new date is set at October 1, 2011.
Essentially what this means is that EN55022:1998 and it amendments are valid for another two years, until 10/1/11, and that testing above 1 GHz will now be required in late 2011, instead of late 2010. With this extension, it is a real possibility that the requirements for above 1 GHz testing, as well as the site verification method can change significantly.
Several competing standards are on the horizon, one of which is a new standard for multimedia equipment CISPR 32 forecasted for publication by the IEC November 2010, which could potentially reduce the amount of product that falls within the scope of EN55022, and require significantly different test levels and methods.
For a link to the official journal publication on the extension of EN55022:1998;
Or, download a copy of the official journal publication from our European conformity assessment page.