Original news posted by NIST. As mentioned in the NIST TEL MRA team release
"The new regulations will impact most manufacturers/economic operators placing products on the market in the EU."
Given that most readers of my posts will be impacted I have copied the release for re-circulation here.
The new Regulation
(EU) 2019/1020 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on
market surveillance and compliance of products was published in the OJEU on June 25, 2019.
- Enters into force on July 16, 2019 (20 days after publication
in the OJEU)
- Clauses regarding the establishment of the “Network”
and funding apply as of January 1, 2021
- Remaining clauses apply as of July 16, 2021
The new regulations will impact most
manufacturers/economic operators placing products on the market in the EU.
- Establishes a new Union Product Compliance Network
(Article 29) (referred to as the “Network”) that will coordinate Member
States enforcement authorities and market surveillance authorities –
Article 29
- Gives the Commission the ability to designate Union
Testing Facilities of its own or in a Member State - for testing of
products – (48) and Article 21
- Requires Member States to establish a single market
surveillance liaison office – Article 10 (3)
- Requires Member States to ensure that their market
surveillance authorities have the right resources and powers
- Allows Member States to give their market surveillance
authorities power to require access to embedded software, reverse engineer
products (and other powers) – Article 14 (4a and 4j)
- Brings the “fulfillment service providers” into the
list of economic operators – Article 3 (11)
- For some products, requires that there be an economic
operator established in the EU – this can be the manufacturer, the
importer, an authorized rep, or the fulfilment service provider –
See Article 4
- In such cases, specific information must to be
included on or with the product, including the contact details of the
economic operator – Article 4 (4)
- This does apply for products covered under the RED and
EMCD – Article 4 (5)
- Requires that “information society service providers”
cooperate with market surveillance authorities for products being sold
on-line - Article 7 (2)
- Requires that the MS authorities take account of test
reports or certificates issued by CABS accredited in accordance with
765/2008 as part of “checks”: - Article 11 (5)
- Requires that Member States give economic operators at
least 10 working days to be heard before a measure is taken if possible
– Article 18 (3)
- Gives Commission ability to approve of specific pre-export
control systems established by third countries if there is “official”
verification done by the third country – Article 35 (3) and (7)
See the
attached document (or the link above) for further details.
the News
- https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2019/06/14/eu-adopts-regulation-to-keep-unsafe-products-off-the-market/
[June 14, 2019]
- https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=44713a72-3897-4480-86dc-05d57d07563c
[June 29, 2019]