The FCC has published an addendum to the draft U-NII 6 GHz certification guidance. The purpose of this document is to provide clarifications and updates to 987594 U-NII 6 GHz devices 5.925-7.125 GHz DR01-44057 during the commenting period. This addendum will evolve as the draft period continues, adding new items to the existing ones and incrementing the version.
A link to this addendum is here:
In a related post, in August 2020 the FCC published guidance for certification of 6GHz devices, see posting "FCC publishes guidance on certification of 6 GHz devices operating in the 5.925 - 7.125 GHz U-NII band" for a link to that guidance document.
These documents are in support of the the newly published, May 2020, FCC rules, effective July 27, 2020, opening more spectrum for unlicensed use in the 5 to 7 GHz range. See "FCC Adopts Rules for Unlicensed Use of the 6 GHz Band"
A link to the FCC Draft Knowledge Database (KDB)
FCC KDB Home page