
Thursday, August 29, 2024

FCC requirements to protect the nation’s networks and supply chains from certain equipment

August 28, 2024 - FCC publishes a revision to Knowledge Database (KDB) document titled “Protecting Against National Security Threats to the Communications Supply Chain through the Equipment Authorization Program.” The document provides staff-level authorization guidance on how FCC 22-84 affects the equipment authorization process.

Changes include adding new guidance item 2a, “How should TCBs address applications for authorization of equipment that includes cybersecurity and anti-virus software produced or provided by Kaspersky Lab, Inc. or any of its successors and assignees?” as well as removing obsolete data from the introduction, and adding clarifying language to item 1.a.ii.


KDB 986446 D01 Covered Equipment Guidance v03

FCC Amends Equipment Authorization Program

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